One of the accessories many people (yes, men and women alike) are trying on right now is a pair of circle lenses. If you’re not quite sure what circle lenses are, these are contact lenses that make your pupils look bigger. Now I think you’re getting the picture. Those Korean girls who look like life-sized dolls – yes, they’re wearing circle lenses! This is also the type of lens women use when they want to look innocent yet sexy at the same time.
Seeing as how the circle lens trend has become so popular, you’re likely itching to try it for yourself. What might be stopping you is the fact that you don’t really go to a lot of parties and you spend most of your time either at home or at the office. There’ll be no point wearing these lenses at home with no one to see you and you just might look too weird wearing a pair to work. Well, worry not! There are circle lenses you can wear to work that won’t make you look out of this world.
The key to enhancing your look with circle lenses while still maintaining the professional office girl image is to choose the color and design well. Stick to those that make your eyes look as natural as possible. You should aim for having doll-like eyes that aren’t so obviously fake. Following are some tips for looking awesome while wearing circle lenses to work.
- Green Lenses with Brown Eyes – Just look around at the beauty of nature and you’ll see how well green and brown go together. If you have naturally brown eyes, therefore, wearing green circle lenses is the perfect way to spice up your look without shocking anyone.
- Contacts in Frozen Gray Shade– Lenses in this shade, particularly those that come with lace patterns that bring out your iris’ natural beauty are also ideal for those who want to spice up their look at the office. These lenses give your eyes a multidimensional look without giving them an eerie appearance; perfect if you want to look mysteriously sexy.
- Choco Mousse Eyes – Who says the type you eat is the only choco mousse you can enjoy? There are lenses in this shade that can give your eyes a more vivid and clear appearance. If you have auburn or reddish hair, this just might be the perfect shade of contacts for you. It won’t make you look weird, but people will definitely take notice of your sharp new look.
These are just three suggestions for the circle lenses you may want to try wearing at the office on a day-to-day basis. They’re not only very attractive, but also natural-looking, thus ensuring you won’t be getting a memo from your boss for bringing weirdness into the office. For more options, you may want to visit a reputable online store like www.eyecandys.com, where you’ll find the world’s best brands at very reasonable prices.